Sew? What's New?
Just my little corner of the blogging world, to show off my passion for quilting.
About Me
- Laurdee
- A little bit about me, and why I made a BLOG (can you believe it??). I suppose you could say I'm "middle age", though I don't believe it! Yes, I'm in my early 60s, but certainly don't feel it! At least not on most days. I'm from a suburb of Buffalo, NY, born here and except for the 8.5 years we lived in Montreal, been here my whole life. My husband is from here, also. I work part time in a little quilt shop, where I learned how to quilt, 8 years ago. Guess you could say I've come full circle. I have 2 grown daughters, and I'm a grandma to 2 wonderful granddaughters. And a husband of 41 years. What more could one ask for? So, why did I make a BLOG? Good question. I'm not a writer, so there won't be any extraordinarily written stories here. Just me and my keyboard. I guess I wanted a place to share my thoughts and pictures about my quilts. This has been an amazing journey for I wish I had started years ago. Now, I'm planning on starting to do craft shows. I'll be making a lot of smaller items, to go along with my quilts. You can see my quilts on the original "Sew? What's New?" blog. Enjoy!
Winter 2011~
Winter 2011~
I wish there was more time! More time to quilt, more time to relax! Just time to enjoy life! There's so much stress in my (and most people's) life, that I'm simply not enjoying it. I'm trying! We now actually have FUN in the cold, snowy winter! We go snowshoeing with amazing friends. We hike, and bike and I run! The hiking and biking are fun...the running? Not so much. But I do it. I ran 5 miles in the Turkey Trot this past Thanksgiving! First time in that event. Larry stayed home and cooked! Loved that part!
But I think about all that I want to do. I just turned 59...can't believe that! 59! When did I get that OLD?? Funny thing is, I'm more active NOW than I was back when I was YOUNG! I'm in better shape, and I think I'm a happier person.
Just wish I had more time....
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The love of a family, is life's greatest blessing.
I love this quilt. I made it for a man that I work with...for his mother. He's going to give it to her on her birthday next week. Wish I could be there. I'd love to see the look on her face. I hope he gets a good picture!! He loved it, I know she will, too!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
August 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Dec 20, 2008. We had a LOT of snow yesterday. Larry is still in the hospital. Today is day 12. He had quadruple bypass, and a few setbacks. I've been home from work for 2 weeks now. Got a lot of quilting done, still could have done more, but got some done. We're hoping he'll come home today, but I'm not counting on it.
This is the quilt I was supposed to finish for last Father's Day for my dad. Finally finished it and now it's a Chanukah gift! It's pretty much his whole family history, from his dating my mom, to all of his grand & great-grandchildren. The cottage, and our late Duchess. It turned out great, so I hope he likes it. I named it Family Story"
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Here it is, August 24, 2008. It's 2 years today that my mom passed away. Can't believe it's 2 years. Doesn't seem possible. And, sadly, she never got to see my quilts. I started quilting the November after she died. But, I know she's watching what I've done.
Summer is almost over. Hard to believe that, too. It just goes by way too fast. It's been a hot one this year, but rainy, too. Bad storm today. Lot's of thunder and lightening. LOUD!!
Here's a pic of my most recent quilt. It was made for a friend of my daughter, Debbie, for her baby shower. The whole theme was ladybugs, and when I saw this pattern, I knew I HAD to make it!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Mystery quilt

Here it is, December 29, 2007...almost the new year! I can't believe that 2007 is almost gone. I also can't believe how many quilts I made this year! Considering it's my first full year of quilting! Anyhow, This new year's day, I'm going to participate in Quiltbug's mystery project. I have my fabrics all ready. I'm going to make it for my living room, it's just a "throw" size. I know we don't sit in there very much, but I hate missing an opportunity to BUY MORE FABRIC! So, let's see if this photo works. Here're the 3 fabrics I'll be using!
July 2010~ update, never did finish the mystery quilt. I'll simply use this fabric for a different one!
Not much else going on around here. Which is fine with me!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
To quilt or not to quilt?
So, I guess I made this blog to have a place to show off my quilts!! And, I do love showing them! Don't get me wrong, there are PLENTY of mistakes, but that's what makes them individual. There would never be another one like it!
I find quilting soothing, relaxing...though hard on my back! I've turned my younger daughter's room in MY sewing room. I sometimes like to just go in there and sit and look around. Can't believe how much I've accomplished in my first year of quilting.
I'm proud to be able to call myself a "QUILTER".
A square is a square... ~ May 2010
This quilt was made to be raffled off to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes.
Finally Finished
This quilt, which I did "finally finish", was made for a young woman I work with. She picked out almost all of the fabric, and then I had to figure out what to do with it! There were SO many different fabrics, I had no idea what to do or how it would turn out. I'm glad to say, I'm very pleased with the outcome. though these are not colors I would normally use, or combine, I'm happy with the result, and so was she!
Ocean view
My absolutely favorite! this one is MINE!
Puppy Love
Paper-pieced puppy pillow....looks just like my late "Duchess".
Memories of Mom
This one touches me every time I look at it. A lot of tears went into making it, also. I've used 2 of mom's hankies and in the bottom corner, are a bunch of her buttons. This proudly hangs in my living room
Chanukah gift for Michele and Dave 2009
chanukah wall hanging
Bright with dragonflies
For Abby's baby shower 5-21-11
"A baby has a special way, of bringing joy to every day."
Quilt made for baby Charlie~ June 2009
this one was made for my best friend, Linda's first grandchild
Heart of Love
Made in class, this was a gift for my "other daughter", Katie
8-3-09 Made for a neighbor having twins!
Pretty in Pink
Another baby one
Sweet Baby
A baby shower gift
Baby Love
Hearts of Love
I made this quilt for Courtney's 11th b'day. The hearts are all machine appliques (my first attempt ever), and the quilt is supposed to be a twin size, but you can see, it fits a queen size bed.
Table runner
Sand and Sea
Made for daughter, Debbie
Life's a Beach
This quilt was made for Linda, my best friend! As far as we are concerned, we should be living on the beach. Fabrics all have something to do with the beach, from the ocean blue, to pepples, to wine!
Mom's Rose Garden
My favorite quilt (so far)..all raw edge machine applique.
Raspberry Sherbet
Made this one for daughter, Michelle
Birds of a Feather
Birdhouse wallhanging that I had framed.
To Serve and Protect
This was the first quilt I ever got paid for making! It was for a little boy who's dad is a police officer
This was one of my first attempts at paper-piecing.
Mystery quilt
This was made for Sara, a mystery quilt done from on-line directions
Starry Night
This was made as a "block of the month". It's now a wallhanging for Debbie. My first real attempt at so many triangles!
Color Me Happy
This was made for a lady at work, for her granddaughter. Loved working with such bright colors!
Spring 2008
Just wanted to add a few pictures..way down at the bottom of the page!
Fit for a Princess
Ah, this was a lot of quilting! This is the one where I practiced something different, free-motion style, in each block. Love the way it turned out.
A Hole in One
I made this one for larry's b'day last year. I'm proud to say, he uses it every night on the couch!!
My quilts
My very first quilt. Hand pieced and hand quilted. November 2006